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Michigan Cocaine Possession Lawyer | Cocaine Manufacturing Attorneys

Time Is Of The Essence—Contact A George Law Attorney Now

Featured: Skull and crossbones- Michigan Cocaine Possession Lawyer | Cocaine Manufacturing Attorneys- George LawWhen it comes to criminal defense, timing is crucial. Every second you delay can have significant implications on your case. Make sure you get the experienced cocaine defense lawyers you need right away.

Contact George Law online or by calling (248) 247-7459. Let us begin the fight for your rights and freedom immediately.

When facing a cocaine charge in Michigan, it’s essential to understand the complexities of state law and how they can impact your case. The legal repercussions of being caught in possession or involved in the manufacturing of cocaine in Michigan can be severe, including substantial fines and lengthy prison sentences.

What Is Cocaine Classified As In Michigan?

In Michigan, cocaine is classified as a Schedule 2 controlled substance, as indicated under Michigan law. Being a Schedule 2 controlled substance means that it has a high potential for abuse, limited medical usage, and can lead to severe physical or psychological dependence.

Section 7403: Possession Laws

Under Section 7403(1) of Michigan’s Public Health Code, it is illegal to knowingly or intentionally possess cocaine unless obtained through a valid prescription or order from a qualified medical practitioner. The penalties for possession are as follows:

  • 1,000 grams or more: A felony that is punishable by incarceration for life or any term of years, or a fine up to $1,000,000.
  • 450 grams to 1,000 grams: A felony that is punishable by up to 30 years imprisonment or a fine up to $500,000.
  • 50 grams to 450 grams: A felony that is punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment or a fine up to $250,000.
  • 25 grams to 50 grams: A felony that is punishable by up to 4 years imprisonment or a fine up to $25,000.
  • Less than 25 grams: A felony that is punishable by up to 4 years imprisonment or a fine up to $25,000.

Section 7403: Exemptions

Interestingly, Section 7403(3) provides an exemption for individuals who seek medical assistance for drug overdose or other emergencies resulting from personal use of a controlled substance, including cocaine.

Section 7401: Manufacturing And Delivery Of Cocaine

If you’re caught manufacturing, delivering, or possessing cocaine with the intent to do either, you’ll be subject to the laws outlined in Section 7401. Penalties, like the possession laws, are also severe:

  • 1,000 grams or more: A felony with imprisonment for life or any term of years, or a fine up to $1,000,000.
  • 450 grams to 1,000 grams: A felony with up to 30 years imprisonment or a fine up to $500,000.
  • 50 grams to 450 grams: A felony with up to 20 years imprisonment or a fine up to $250,000.
  • Less than 50 grams: A felony with up to 20 years imprisonment or a fine up to $25,000.

When To Consult A Cocaine Charge Lawyer

Given the severity of the penalties for cocaine possession or manufacturing in Michigan, consulting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer is crucial. A skilled attorney can assess the specifics of your case and assist you through the legal process, helping to identify any possible defenses or mitigating factors.

Consequences Beyond The Law

Beyond legal repercussions, a cocaine charge can also significantly affect your personal and professional life. A felony conviction can result in loss of employment, strained family relations, and difficulty in finding housing or educational opportunities.

Understanding Your Defense Options In A Cocaine Charge In Michigan

Claiming Unknowing Or Unintentional Possession

The law clearly states that a person shall not “knowingly or intentionally” possess a controlled substance. Therefore, one potential defense is that you were unaware of the presence of cocaine or that your possession was unintentional. However, this could be challenging to prove, as the court will look into factors such as your conduct at the time of arrest.

Invalid Search And Seizure

The Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures. If law enforcement didn’t have a valid reason to search your property, or if they did so without a proper search warrant, any evidence collected may be deemed inadmissible in court. This could lead to the dismissal of your case.

Presence Of Medical Emergency

Under Section 333.7403(3), individuals are not in violation of the law if they seek or require medical assistance due to a drug overdose or other medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance. If you can prove that you were seeking medical help during the time of the offense, you might have a valid defense.

Questions Around The Amount Of Cocaine

The severity of the penalties is closely tied to the amount of cocaine in possession. Any discrepancies or errors in how the substance was weighed or measured could potentially lessen the charges or penalties. The defense can bring this up as a point of contention during the trial.

Challenging Intent To Deliver Or Manufacture

For charges involving the intent to manufacture or deliver, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you had the intent. Simply having a large amount of the substance isn’t enough. Your defense can challenge the prosecution’s evidence and interpretation of intent.

FAQs On Cocaine Charges Under Michigan Law

What Does Michigan Law Say About Cocaine Charges?

Michigan law makes it illegal to manufacture, deliver, or possess with the intent to manufacture or deliver cocaine. The penalties vary depending on the amount in question and can range from misdemeanors to felonies with hefty fines and significant prison time.

What Do “Knowingly Or Intentionally” Mean Under This Law?

The law specifies that one should not “knowingly or intentionally” possess a controlled substance like cocaine. These terms mean that you must be aware of the possession and intend to possess it for the law to be broken. If you can prove that your possession was either not known to you or not intentional, you may have a valid defense.

Can I Get Arrested Even If I Have A Small Amount Of Cocaine?

Yes, even possessing a small amount of cocaine can result in a misdemeanor charge, which could lead to fines up to $2,000 and/or imprisonment for not more than 1 year under Michigan law.

How Does The Fourth Amendment Affect My Case?

The Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures. If the police conducted an illegal search, the evidence collected could be considered inadmissible, possibly leading to the dismissal of your case.

Is There Any Defense If I Was Trying To Get Medical Help?

Yes, Section 333.7403(3) provides that you are not in violation of the law if you seek or require medical assistance due to a drug overdose or other medical emergency arising from the use of a controlled substance like cocaine. If applicable, this can serve as a defense.

Does The Amount Of Cocaine Affect My Case?

Absolutely. The penalties for possession or intent to deliver are significantly influenced by the amount of cocaine you’re accused of having. Any inaccuracies in weighing the substance can be challenged and may affect the outcome of your case.

Can I Be Charged With Intent To Deliver Without Actually Delivering Cocaine?

Yes, just the intent to manufacture or deliver cocaine is enough to be charged under this law. However, proving intent can be challenging for the prosecution, and contesting their evidence could be a viable defense strategy.

Secure Your Legal Defense With A George Law Attorney

White pillars inside a court room with white light at the end- Understanding your defense options in a cocaine charge in Michigan- George LawIf you’re facing a cocaine charge in Michigan, understanding the complexities of the state’s drug laws is the first step to defending yourself. The penalties are severe and can have lasting implications for your life. Therefore, it’s imperative to consult with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who specializes in drug-related cases to navigate the legal landscape effectively.

The stakes are high, and your future is on the line. Don’t trust just any lawyer with your criminal defense; trust a George Law cocaine charge lawyer who specializes in this field. Our expertise and knowledge of MI laws and courts can make a pivotal difference in your case. Schedule your consultation online or call us at (248) 247-7459 today.

To learn more about drug charges, click here.

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